Meet The Doctor
Dr. Zraiqat
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Dental Health

Below are 5 simple, yet effective, tips you can use today to improve your dental health:

  • Choose a toothpaste that's free of sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Rinse mouth with warm sea-salt water and a few drops of clove or mint oil instead of mouthwash.
  • Try "oil pulling" by rinsing your mouth with a tablespoon of coconut oil for approximately 15 minutes, and then spitting out the oil. The antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal components of coconut oil literally pull out any unhealthy microbes that may be hiding in your teeth and gums.
  • Invest in a tongue cleaner, a U-shaped tool that scrapes off any residue. If you constantly have a white coating, then consider taking probiotics to control internal yeast.
  • For teething in babies, mix clove oil with lavender, orange essential oil, and a bit of coconut oil. Using your finger, apply it to the gums. Put lavender on the back of the baby's neck and on the inside of the wrist. You can also rub the back with lavender or put some drops on the baby's pillow.
  • Avoid decay by taking minerals, Vitamin D & K, fermented and sprouted grains, coconut produce, Mānuka honey, probiotics, and avoid sugar!
  • Seek a holistic dentist to take care of your fillings. Mercury fillings can be unsafe and can cause a wide range of illness symptoms.

Overall Health